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Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. June 2016

Depositional history of the Epiligurian wedge-top basin in the Val Marecchia area (northern Apennines, Italy): a revision of the Burdigalian-Tortonian succession

Volume 135 (2016) f.2

Stefano Conti (*), Chiara Fioroni (*), Daniela Fontana (*) & Claudia Grillenzoni (*)

Pages: 324-335
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. June 2015

New insights on the Oligo-Miocene succession bearing phosphatic layers of the Maltese Archipelago

Volume 134 (2015) f.2

Niccolò Baldassini (*) & Agata Di Stefano (*)

Pages: 355-366
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. February 2014

Carbonate intercalations in a terrigenous foredeep: late Miocene examples from the Simbruini Mts. and the Salto Valley (Central Apennines - Italy)

Volume 133 (2014) f.1

Simone Fabbi(*), Fabrizio Galluzzo(**), Rita Maria Pichezzi(**) & Massimo Santantonio(*)

Pages: 85-100
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. October 2013

Fault growth as a key control on the sedimentary architecture and depositional environments of extensional basins: the case study of the Tablate area (Granada Basin, Spain)

Volume 132 (2013) f.3

Andrea Rustichelli(1), Fabrizio Agosta(2), Emanuele Tondi(1), Jesus Galindo-Zaldívar (3),(4), Claudio Di Celma (1), Vincenzo Spina (1) & (5)

Pages: 422-442
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. February 2012

A Miocene Continental Basin associated with the back thrusting of the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas in the Santa Maria Valley, Northwestern Argentina

Volume 131 (2012) f.1

Ricardo Mon(*), Adolfo A. Gutiérrez(**), Francesc Sabat(***) & Diego Iaffa(***)

Pages: 123-135
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. October 2011

The Miocene successions of the Fiora Hills: considerations about the development of the minor basins of Southern Tuscany

Volume 130 (2011) f.3

Gianluca Cornamusini(*), (**), Luca Maria Foresi(*), Giovanni Massa(**), Filippo Bonciani(**), Ivan Callegari(**), Simone Da Prato(***) & Alessandro Ielpi(*)

Pages: 404-424
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. June 2009

Oligocene-Miocene foredeep deposits in the Lake Trasimeno area (Central Italy): insights into the evolution of the Northern Apennines

Volume 128 (2009) f.2

Marco Barsella(*), Arnaldo Boscherini(**), Flavia Botti(*), Michele Marroni(*)(***), Francesca Meneghini(*), Andrea Motti(**), Silvia Palandri(*) & Luca Pandolfi(*)(***)

Pages: 341-352