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Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. June 2024

The Early-Middle Miocene marly-siliceous and siliciclastic sedimentation of the Tuscan Domain along the Mugello-Casentino-Arezzo alignment (Northern Apennines, Italy)

Volume 143 (2024) f.2

Piero Bruni, Enrico Pandeli, Mauro Papini, Marisa Nocchi, Angela Baldanza, Giuseppe Aruta, Lucina Luchetti, Carlo Nini, Francesco Miniati & Elia Pasqua

Pages: 257-288
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. June 2020

The Carboniferous-mid Permian successions of the Northern Apennines: new data from the Pisani Mts. inlier (Tuscany, Italy)

Volume 139 (2020) f.2

Federico Marini (1), Enrico Pandeli (1,2), Marco Tongiorgi (3), Elena Pecchioni (1) & Letizia Orti (1)

Pages: 212-232
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. February 2018

The Scaglia Toscana Formation of the Monti del Chianti: new lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic data

Volume 137 (2018) f.1

Enrico Pandeli (*,**), Milvio Fazzuoli (*), Fabio Sandrelli (***), Roberto Mazzei (***), Simonetta Monechi (*), Marisa Nocchi (****), Ivan Martini (***) & Gigliola Valleri (*)

Pages: 38-61
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. June 2015

Updated picture of the Ligurian and Sub-Ligurian units in the Mt. Amiata area (Tuscany, Italy): elements for their correlation in the framework of the Northern Apennines

Volume 134 (2015) f.2

Michele Marroni (*), (***), Enrico Pandeli (**), (****), Luca Pandolfi (*), (***) & Rita Catanzariti (***)

Pages: 200-218
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. June 2015

Metallogeny, exploitation and environmental impact of the Mt. Amiata mercury ore district (Southern Tuscany, Italy)

Volume 134 (2015) f.2

Valentina Rimondi (1), Laura Chiarantini (1), Pierfranco Lattanzi (2), Marco Benvenuti (1), Marc Beutel (3), Antonella Colica (1), Pilario Costagliola (1), Francesco Di Benedetto (1), Giuliano Gabbani (1), John E. Gray (4), Enrico Pandeli (1), Giulia Pattelli (1), Mario Paolieri (1) & Giovanni Ruggieri (5)

Pages: 323-336