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Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. June 2016

Geological reconstruction in the area of maximum co-seismic subsidence during the 2009 Mw=6.1 L'Aquila earthquake using geophysical and borehole data

Volume 135 (2016) f.2

Massimiliano Porreca (1), Alessandra Smedile (2), Fabio Speranza (2), Tania Mochales (2), Francesca D'ajello Caracciolo (2), Giuseppe Di Giulio (2), Maurizio Vassallo (2), Fabio Villani (2), Iacopo Nicolosi (2), Roberto Carluccio (2), Sara Amoroso (2), Patrizia Macrì (2), Nicoletta Buratti (3), Federica Durante (4), Marco Tallini (4) & Leonardo Sagnotti (2)

Pages: 350-362