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Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. October 2023

Tectonic control of thermal springs, gas vents and travertine deposition in Bagni di San Filippo and Campiglia d’Orcia area (Monte Amiata Volcano-Geothermal area, Italy)

Volume 142 (2023) f.3

Andrea Brogi, Lianchao Luo, Lorenzo Fabbrini, Giuseppe Pagano, Paola Tuccimei, Michele Soligo & Enrico Capezzuoli

Pages: 318-338
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. June 2015

Geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes of Monte Amiata Volcano, Central Italy: evidence for magma mixing between high-K calc-alkaline and leucititic mantle-derived magmas

Volume 134 (2015) f.2

Sandro Conticelli (1), (2), Elena Boari (1), Luca Burlamacchi (3), Francesca Cifelli (4), Francesco Moscardi (1), Marinella A. Laurenzi (5), Luca Ferrari Pedraglio (6), Lorella Francalanci (1), (2), Marco G. Benvenuti (1), (2), Eleonora Braschi (2) & Piero Manetti (3)

Pages: 266-290