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Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. October 2024

The role of inherited extensional faulting in the creation of Atlasic structures: the case study of the Semmama back-thrust anticline

Volume 143 (2024) f.3

Siwar Ben Elhoul, Riadh Ahmadi, Chaouki Khalfi & Philippe Robion

Pages: 331-344
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. June 2019

Low-angle normal faults record Early Permian extensional tectonics in the Orobic Basin (Southern Alps, N Italy)

Volume 138 (2019) f.2

Andrea Zanchi (1), Stefano Zanchetta (1), Luigi Berio (1,2), Fabrizio Berra (3) & Fabrizio Felletti (3)

Pages: 184-201
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. October 2017

Structural style of Quaternary extension in the Crati Valley (Calabrian Arc): Evidence in support of an east-dipping detachment fault

Volume 136 (2017) f.3

Francesco Brozzetti (1), Daniele Cirillo (1), Francesca Liberi (1), Eugenio Piluso (2), Elena Faraca (3), Rita De Nardis (1) & Giusy Lavecchia (1)

Pages: 434-453
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. October 2013

Fault growth as a key control on the sedimentary architecture and depositional environments of extensional basins: the case study of the Tablate area (Granada Basin, Spain)

Volume 132 (2013) f.3

Andrea Rustichelli(1), Fabrizio Agosta(2), Emanuele Tondi(1), Jesus Galindo-Zaldívar (3),(4), Claudio Di Celma (1), Vincenzo Spina (1) & (5)

Pages: 422-442
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. October 2012

From surface geology to aftershock analysis: Constraints on the geometry of the L'Aquila 2009 seismogenic fault system

Volume 131 (2012) f.3

Giusy Lavecchia(*), Federica Ferrarini(*), Francesco Brozzetti(*), Rita De Nardis(*), (**), Paolo Boncio(*) & Lauro Chiaraluce(***)

Pages: 330-347