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Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. February 2024

Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of a deep-water foreland basin: a case study from the Marnoso-arenacea basin, central Italy

Volume 143 (2024) f.1

Luca Pasqualone, Francesco Brozzetti, Francesco Mirabella, Lucina Luchetti, Anna Chiara Tangari & Massimiliano R. Barchi

Pages: 105-129
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. February 2019

Characterization of building materials from the Anfiteatro Flavio (Pozzuoli, southern Italy): a mineralogical and petrographic study

Volume 138 (2019) f.1

Concetta Rispoli (1), Lorenzo Fedele (1), Claudia Di Benedetto (1), Renata Esposito (2), Sossio Fabio Graziano (1,3), Vincenza Guarino (1), Vincenzo Morra (1) & Piergiulio Cappelletti (1)

Pages: 103-115
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. October 2019

The ancient quarrying areas of the sandstones used in the UNESCO historical centre of Urbino (Marche, Italy) as inferred from geological, petro-chemical and physical-mechanical investigations

Volume 138 (2019) f.3

Patrizia Santi (1), Francesco Veneri (1), Gianluigi Tonelli (1), Alberto Renzulli (1), Fabrizio Antonelli (2) & Mario Tramontana (1)

Pages: 456-470
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. June 2013

Integrated geological and petrographic study supporting the interpretation of ancient artefacts: the case history of Palagonia area (SE Sicily)

Volume 132 (2013) f.2

Rosalda Punturo(*), Giovanni Sturiale(*), (***), Carmela Vaccaro(**), Rosolino Cirrincione(*) & Andrea Mustica(*)

Pages: 263-273