Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. 133 (2014) f.1

New stratigraphic data for the Poggio Carnaio Sandstone Fm (Northern Apennines; Italy)

Marco D'Errico(*), Angelida Di Staso(**), Simona Morabito(***) & Vincenzo Perrone(***)
(*)Via Garibaldi, 31 - 80026 Casoria (Italy). (**)Via Municipio, 158 - 82034 Guardia Sanframondi (Italy). (***)Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, della Vita e dell'Ambiente, Università di Urbino, Campus Scientifico "Enrico Mattei" Località Crocicchia - 61029 Urbino (Italy). Corresponding Author. Vincenzo Perrone, tel. 0722 304289; e-mail:

Volume: 133 (2014) f.1
Pages: 5-12


A revision of field data and new biostratigraphic analyses have highlighted that the lowest part of the Poggio Carnaio Sandstone Fm consists of greyish marls, formerly attributed to the Antognola Marl Fm, and that calcareous nannofossil assemblages from these marls as well as from the overlying turbiditic sandstones are characterized by some taxa first occurring in Tortonian. Moreover, the occurrence of Discoaster cf. berggrenii could suggest an age not older than late Tortonian for the studied succession. The Poggio Carnaio Sandstone Fm, therefore, from its base is not older than Tortonian and constitutes a thrust-top basin unconformable succession, deposited on sub-ligurian units.


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