The present investigation focused on the origin of CO2 and CH4
in the soil gas and two gas vents present in the Fucino plain, a tectonically
active intramontane depression of central Italy. The soil
gases have concentrations of CO2 ranging from 1 to 10% and CH4 in
the order of a few parts per million. Using carbon isotopes, it was
possible to identify two different sources of CO2 in the soil gas: biogenic
CO2 (d13CCO2~ –20‰) produced in the fluvio-lacustrine sediments
of the plain and CO2 produced from CH4 oxidation in soil
(d13CCO2 –34/–38‰). The two gas vents yield CO2 contents of 2.63
and 15.33% and CH4 of 94.7 and 8.5%. In the CH4-dominated gas
vent, the carbon isotopes of methane (d13CCH4 = –64‰) point to a
gas of microbial origin. The other gas vent, with a d13CCH4 of
–52.8‰, may be affected by a microbial oxidation process.
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