Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. 134 (2015) f.2

Messinian-earliest Zanclean tectonic-depositional dynamics of the Cinigiano-Baccinello and Velona basins (Tuscany, Italy)

Marco Benvenuti (*), (**), Giovanna Moratti (**), Federico Sani (*), (**), Marco Bonini (**), Oriol L. Oms (***), Mauro Papini (*), Lorenzo Rook (*), Chiara Cavallina (*) & Lorenzo Cavini (*)
(*) Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Firenze, Italy. Corresponding author:
(**) CNR, Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, UOS Firenze, Italy.
(***) Departament de Geologia, Universidat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain.

Volume: 134 (2015) f.2
Pages: 237-254


The paper reports a revision of the tectonic-depositional evolution of the continental Cinigiano-Baccinello and Velona basins, located in the Amiata Volcano region, with special emphasis on the Messinian dynamics. Integration of facies analysis, magnetostratigraphy, and structural geology allowed a comparison of the evolution of these basins and a discussion of possible local to regional implications. At a local scale, crustal shortening, accommodated by thrust faults and related anticlines delimiting the basins, determined a dynamic physiographic and hydrographic scenario during the Messinian. Uplift of the tectonically-controlled shoulders was paired with pulses of subsidence in the basins that favoured the development of palustrine-lacustrine settings or endorheic alluvial plains. Stages of quiescent tectonics favoured fluvial incision of structural thresholds and the development of a south-directed drainage system, particularly developed during the late Messinian in coincidence with the Mediterranean Messinian Salinity Crisis. The dominant fluvial and clastic depositional pattern recorded in these basins during such a regional scale event points to local tectonic activity of the Northern Apennines playing a major role than the climatic, eustatic and geodynamic factors that controlled the Mediterranean region.


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