The unravelling of the tectono-metamorphic evolution of crystalline basement complexes has been one of the most fascinating and intriguing issues for generations of geologists, starting from the pioneering studies carried out on mountain belts such as the Alps, the Scottish Highlands, and the Himalaya. Different techniques were developed over the centuries to decipher and constrain this evolution. The achieved progress has made it clear that only a holistic approach based on the integration of various techniques can allow further progress in understanding the multifaceted geological processes. Detailed structural-geological field mapping integrated with meso- and microstructural investigations, geochronology, petrologic modeling of metamorphic assemblages and petrofabric analysis are fundamental tools to infer helpful information to reconstruct a robust and accurate pressure (P) - temperature (T) - deformation (D) - composition of the system (X) - time (t) - fluid activity (a) path of crystalline rocks.
This volume consists of 12 papers dealing with the integration of several techniques based on a strong structural
analysis basis. Most of the following contributions contain topics that were originally presented during a thematic session
on the multi-disciplinary approach to the crystalline basement at the SIMP-SGI-SOGEI-AIV joint meeting “Geosciences:
a tool in a changing world” held in Pisa in 2017.
The Guest Editors thank the Editor-in-Chief William Cavazza for approving this special volume, the Editorial
Managers and all the Editorial Board for their support. We are sincerely grateful to all the Authors for their contributions
and, as well as, all the reviewers involved in the evaluation of the articles